On September 27, the first lessons at Educational Complex 132-134 were dedicated to September 27 – Memorial Day.

In the classrooms, teachers informed students about 44-days Patriotic War, the liberation of Azerbaijan lands that began on September 27, 2020, as a result of the counter-offensive operation of our victorious army to prevent another provocation of the Armenian invaders on the lands of Azerbaijan. It was noted the historical significance of the glorious victory of the Azerbaijan Army, which was a result of “Iron fist” solidarity of Azerbaijani people under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, as well as heroism, bravery and self-sacrifice of Azerbaijani soldiers.

Teachers and students honoured the blessed memory of all martyrs and pay tribute to the heroic graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, who died in the Patriotic War for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

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