The online closing ceremony of the XI Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow” took place on February 24. The speakers congratulated the winners and wished them success.

Students of the Educational Complex 132-134 – Alizade Javidan Vusal (the 11th grade student, “XI C”) and Ahmadova Sabina Khudaverdi (the 10th grade student, “X B”) were awarded the 3rd place in the “Medical and Health” category with the project “Body’s lipids metabolism correction using natural compounds”.

Dear Javidan and Sabina, also their mentors! Congratulations on this big achievement and all of the hard work that went in to these project and presentations!

Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow” is held within the framework of ISEF – International Science and Engineering Exhibition. The purpose of the competition is to involve students in grades IX-XI of general education institutions in our country in scientific research, stimulate their scientific and creative activities, identify talented students who are interested in scientific research, as well as to send students with high research results to Intel ISEF – International Science and Engineering Fair in the United States. Evaluation in the competition is carried out in 8 categories (mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine and health, ecology and environmental management, engineering, computer science).

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