On January 19, an event of commemoration, dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the 20th January tragedy, took place at the Educational Complex 132-134.

The cherished memory of the victims of the bloody January tragedy was commemorated with honor. Staff members and students have paid tribute to the Martyr Larisa Mammadova, the 7th grade student of secondary school No. 134 in 1990, as well as all Martyrs of January 20, who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of Azerbaijan.

The tragedy of January 20, committed as a result of the inhumane and treacherous policy of the USSR leadership against the Azerbaijani people, is engraved in the memory of our people as the night of Black January. It is also a date that demonstrates the struggle, inflexibility and pride of our people, who strive for their freedom and independence.

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