A group of students of Educational Complex 132-134 visited the second Alley of Honor to pay tribute to martyrs of 44 days Patriotic War. As a result of 44 days of fighting, the Azerbaijani people won a historic victory, the territorial integrity of our country was restored.

The students honored the unforgettable memory of all our martyrs, laid carnations on the graves and commemorated the heroic sons of the Motherland who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, died in battles with the Armenian aggressors.

Students visited the grave of Nijat Tariverdiyev, the Martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134, and met with Mrs. Shukran Tariverdiyeva, the mother of our heroic Martyr.

The people of Azerbaijan and the state cherish the bright memory of the heroic sons who perished for the Motherland, always remember them with utmost respect, appreciate the hard work of the wounded war veterans and are proud of them.

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