On October 18, the opening ceremony of memorial plaques of heroic graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, martyrs of the 44-day Patriotic War – Nijat Tariverdiyev, Farid Aliyev and Yusif Budaqov was held.

The ceremony was attended by Head of Sabail district Executive Power Vugar Zeynalov, MP Nigar Arpadarai and other public figures and relatives of martyr graduates.

At the ceremony everyone has paid tribute to the cherished memory of heroic graduates. It was mentioned that in the 44-day war against the military provocation of Armenia, the brave sons of Azerbaijan proved once again what they are capable of, and thanks to them, our ancient lands were liberated from the enemy. Dear memory of the Patriotic War martyrs, their heroism, bravery and self-sacrifice will forever live in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people. Our heroic soldiers and officers are the source of our pride.


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