Honorary Decrees of Sabail district Executive Power were awarded to progressive teachers of Educational Complex 132-134

Sabail District Executive Power hosted an event dedicated to the World Teachers’ Day – October 5.

At the event, Honorary Decrees of the Head of Sabail district Executive Power were awarded to progressive teachers of Educational Complex 132-134 – Aliyeva Rana Malik and Mammadova Konul Surxay in recognition of their distinguished professional contributions and effective work in the field of education, as well as social and political life of the district.

We congratulate our dear teachers Ms. Rana Aliyeva and Ms. Konul Mammadova and wishing them the best and much success in coming years.


Our teacher was awarded the “Honored teacher” honorary title

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on awarding the education workers of the Republic of Azerbaijan the “Honored Teacher” honorary title.

In accordance with the Order, English language teacher and UNESCO coordinator of Educational Complex 132-134 Askarova Adalat Sultan was awarded the “Honored teacher” honorary title.

Dear Ms. Adalat Askarova! On behalf of all Educational Complex 132-134 staff we would like to congratulate you on your well-deserved success and wish you all the best for the future. May this achievement prompt a more noteworthy accomplishments in the years to come.


Educational Complex 132-134 hosts event dedicated to September 27 – Memorial Day

On September 27, an event dedicated to Memorial Day was held at Educational Complex 132-134.

The event started with the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The memory of all the martyrs fallen heroically in the 44-day Patriotic War was commemorated with a minute of silence.

The event participants honoured the blessed memory of all martyrs and pay tribute to the heroic graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, who were martyred in the 44-day Patriotic War for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Complex students performed the literary composition dedicated to Azerbaijan’s historic victory in the Patriotic War under the leadership of the President, the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. It was mentioned that dear memory of the Patriotic War martyrs, their heroism, bravery and self-sacrifice will forever live in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people. Our heroic soldiers and officers are the source of our pride.


The first lessons at Educational Complex 132-134 were dedicated to “September 27 – Memorial Day”

On September 27, the first lessons at Educational Complex 132-134 were dedicated to September 27 – Memorial Day.

In the classrooms, teachers informed students about 44-days Patriotic War, the liberation of Azerbaijan lands that began on September 27, 2020, as a result of the counter-offensive operation of our victorious army to prevent another provocation of the Armenian invaders on the lands of Azerbaijan. It was noted the historical significance of the glorious victory of the Azerbaijan Army, which was a result of “Iron fist” solidarity of Azerbaijani people under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, as well as heroism, bravery and self-sacrifice of Azerbaijani soldiers.

Teachers and students honoured the blessed memory of all martyrs and pay tribute to the heroic graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, who died in the Patriotic War for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.


A group of students of Educational Complex 132-134 visited the second Alley of Honor

A group of students of Educational Complex 132-134 visited the second Alley of Honor to pay tribute to martyrs of 44 days Patriotic War. As a result of 44 days of fighting, the Azerbaijani people won a historic victory, the territorial integrity of our country was restored.

The students honored the unforgettable memory of all our martyrs, laid carnations on the graves and commemorated the heroic sons of the Motherland who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, died in battles with the Armenian aggressors.

Students visited the grave of Nijat Tariverdiyev, the Martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134, and met with Mrs. Shukran Tariverdiyeva, the mother of our heroic Martyr.

The people of Azerbaijan and the state cherish the bright memory of the heroic sons who perished for the Motherland, always remember them with utmost respect, appreciate the hard work of the wounded war veterans and are proud of them.


A meeting with successful graduates, who achieved high results in entrance exams to higher education institutions

On September 22, Head of Sabail district Executive Power Vugar Zeynalov met with Sabail secondary schools’ graduates, who achieved high results in entrance exams to higher education institutions. Schools’ principals, teachers, students and parents took part in this event.

Successful graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, who scored more than 600 points in entrance exams, were awarded with the Honorary Decree of the Head of Sabail district Executive Power.


Event dedicated to the dear memory of Azerbaijani martyrs

On September 15, at Educational Complex 132-134, an event was dedicated to the dear memory of Azerbaijani martyrs, who lost their lives while preventing the provocation caused by the Armenian Armed Forces on Azerbaijan-Armenia state borders on September 12-13 this year.

First, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played and the memory of our martyrs was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Staff members and students of Educational Complex 132-134 have paid tribute to the cherished memory of all martyrs. At first lessons, teachers talked to the students about patriotism in the classrooms.


Congratulations to the 11th and 9th grade students of Educational Complex 132-134, who graduated with “Distinction”

Congratulations to the following 11th and 9th grade students of Educational Complex 132-134, who graduated with “Distinction” in the 2021-2022 academic year:

XI “A” – Dadashova Leyla Elnur

XI “C” – Salamov Matin Zahir

XI “D” – Cumayeva Khumar Rayat

XI “E” – Vazirova Natella Raik

XI “F” – Mustafayeva Narmin Elshad


IX “A1” – Aliyeva Fatima Elnur

IX “B1” – Alakbarzada Aysha Haydar

IX “C1” – Tahirli Ayla Kamran

IX “A2” – Quliyeva Mehriban Jabbar

IX “A2” – Mustafayeva Laman Elshad

IX “D2” – Mammadova Madina Vasif

IX “F2” – Huseynli Rugiyya Qoshqar


Dear students! Wishing you Happy Graduation and best wishes for your future. May you achieve many more goals in your life and inspire others around you.


Congratulations to our IBDP graduate student

Najafguliyev Nihad Elkhan, IBDP (International Baccalaureate Program) graduate student of Education Complex 132-134, has got 100% scholarship to study at KU Leuven University (Belgium).

KU Leuven is consistently ranked among the top-ten European universities in terms of scholarly output. It is Belgium’s highest-ranked university as well as one of the oldest and most renowned research universities in Europe.

Dear Nihad! Congratulations on your success, we wish you the best as you step ahead towards new challenges in life. May all your other dreams be fulfilled!


Congratulations to our graduates of the 2021/2022 academic year, who have attained outstanding achievements in general education

Congratulations to our graduates of the 2021/2022 academic year, who have attained outstanding achievements in general education:

  • Qafarova Khalida Kamrana graduate of the 11th grade, awarded with gold medal for “Special Achievements in Education” by Ministry of Education
  • Alizada Javidan Vusala graduate of the 11th grade, awarded with silver medal for “Special Achievements in Education” by Ministry of Education

We wish our graduating students, all the best on their next steps to their academic careers. Warmest congratulations to all your teachers and parents. Wishing you all the best for the future and all its challenges and opportunities. Happy graduation!