The 11th grade student was awarded the 3rd place in the essay competition “Road to Victory”

Qafarova Khalida, the 11th grade student of Educational Complex 132-134, was awarded the 3rd place in the essay competition “Road to Victory”, jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Karabakh Revival Foundation among the 8th – 11th grade students of general educational institutions.

Dear Khalida! We once again congratulate you on winning this competition and wish you luck in the many competitions you will face in your life. We have no doubt that you will excel in each one, because of how hard you work.


An anniversary event was held on the occasion of the birthday of Martyr Nijat Tariverdiyev, the martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134

The 17th of November is the birthday of Martyr Nijat Tariverdiyev, one of the brave sons of the Motherland, the Martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134. Today, an anniversary event was held on the occasion of the birthday of Martyr Nijat Tariverdiyev.

Staff members and students of Educational Complex 132-134 have paid tribute to the cherished memory of our heroic graduate. Rest in peace, dear Nijat!


Martyr Farid Aliyev, the martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134 was commemorated with honor on his death anniversary

On November 16, a commemoration was held on the occasion of death anniversary of Martyr Farid Aliyev, one of the brave sons of the Motherland, the Martyr of the Patriotic War and graduate of Educational Complex 132-134.

Staff members and students of Educational Complex 132-134 have paid tribute to the cherished memory of our heroic graduate. Rest in peace, dear Farid!


November 8 – Victory Day was celebrated at Educational Complex 132-134

On November 6, Educational Complex 132-134 held an event dedicated to November 8 – Victory Day.

Firstly, the memory of the Martyrs who fought for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was commemorated with a minute of silence.

It was mentioned that, during 44 days Patriotic War, the victorious Azerbaijani Army liberated totaling more than 300 settlements. The wise and far-sighted ideas of the founder of the modern Azerbaijani state, great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the strategic thinking and determination of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the victorious army Ilham Aliyev, the determination and will of the Azerbaijani people, economic strength, modern army building and unity are significant factors that contributed to our country’s victory. The mighty Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of the Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev wrote a glorious heroic chronicle in the modern military history, proved to be a triumphant nation and won a historic victory over the enemy.

At the festive event, Complex students performed the literary and artistic composition dedicated to Azerbaijan’s historic victory.