The intellectual games “What? Where? When?” were held at Educational Complex 132-134

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It has already become a tradition to hold an intellectual and beloved game “What? Where? When?” at Educational Complex 132-134.

This time, instead of a “team of six experts” we have students of the 9th grade, and instead of a “team of TV viewers” – our teachers. The students accepted the teacher’s challenge and demonstrated good erudition, intelligence, and curiosity. The students played with excellence and won in a difficult, but exciting game.


The military-sport games, dedicated to the everlasting memories of heroic martyr graduates of Educational Complex 132-134 were held

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On June 3, military-sport games were held among the 5th grade students at the Educational Complex 132-134. The event was dedicated to the everlasting memories of martyr Nijat Tariverdiyev, martyr Farid Aliyev and martyr Yusif Budagov – the heroic graduates of Educational Complex 132-134, who were martyred during the 44-day Patriotic War.

Three Relay Race Competitions were organized during the event. Three teams, who competed in competitions, were made up of our 5th grade students. The teams were named in memory of our heroic graduate martyrs. The team named after martyr Nijat Tariverdiyev won the relay races.

Martyrs’ families’ members, veterans of the First and Second Karabakh War and students of the Complex conveyed speech at the event. They expressed their gratitude for the memorialization of the heroes at the Educational Complex 132-134 and thanked the management for organizing such commemorative events and frequent meetings with martyrs’ families’ members, where the high respect and great pride are shown to the school graduates, who lost their lives defending the Motherland.

The eternal memory of the martyrs of the 44-day Patriotic War and the names of our heroic Shehids will always remain in our hearts. Our people are proud of their sons and cherish their memory with great pride.


Students of the ÈCOLE MATERNELLE celebrated International Children’s Day

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Students of ÈCOLE MATERNELLE (preschool) at the Educational Complex 132-134 celebrated International Children’s Day.

Wishing a very Happy Children’s Day to all our students. Hope this special day will bring happiness into the lives of all the beautiful children in this world.

On November 11, 2004, the French-style international and integrative “Ècole Maternelle” project was started at the Educational Complex. Within the framework of this project, children are involved in school education starting the age of 3. Our Complex is the first educational institution where children 3-17 years old are studying. The primary goal of the international “Ècole Maternelle” project is to educate children for school from early ages, as well as to teach them foreign languages and develop their personal potential.