A presentation of research project on “Azerbaijan’s National Parks and State Nature Reserves” was held at the Educational Complex 132-134

On April 5, the 6th-grade students of the Educational Complex 132-134, made a presentation of their research project on “Azerbaijan’s National Parks and State Nature Reserves”. The project was realized under the guidance of Ms. Rubaba Samadova, Biology teacher.

Students made presentations on the following National Parks and State Nature Reserves in a team format, based on the results of the project research:

1) Team 1: Zagatala and Basitchay State Nature Reserves;

2) Team 2: Ilisu and Garayazi State Nature Reserves;

3) Team 3: Goygol National Park and Ismayilli State Nature Reserve;

4) Team 4: Kyzylagach National Park and Garagol State Nature Reserve;

5) Team 5: Shirvan and Shahbuz State Nature Reserves;

6) Team 6: Turyanchay and Pirgulu State Nature Reserves.

During presentations, students gave detailed information about the history, natural resources, fauna and flora of each National Park and State Nature Reserve.


Sports Week Awards Ceremony was held

On March 04, Sports Week Awards Ceremony was held at the Educational Complex 132-134.

Sports Awards Ceremony was an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the talented individuals and teams who have enjoyed sporting success during the Sports Week (February 28 – March 04) organized at the Educational Complex 132-134.


The 30th anniversary of Khojaly genocide is commemorated as the day of Revenge of Khojaly

On February 25, an event was held at the Educational Complex 132-134 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide.

The speakers at the event noted that the Khojaly genocide is the most terrible of the genocide crimes committed by Armenia against the peaceful Azerbaijani population during the occupation war against Azerbaijan. On the night of February 25-26, 1992, the Armenian armed forces, violating all norms of international law, sent heavy military equipment to Khojaly and committed terrible crimes against the civilian population. As a result of this horrific crime committed against humanity, 613 peaceful Azerbaijanis were murdered because of their nationality, including 63 children, 106 women, and 70 elderly people.

As a result, 8 families were destroyed, 25 children lost both parents, and 130 children lost one of their parents. Moreover, 487 civilians were seriously injured, 1,275 people were taken hostage. The fate of 150 hostages, including 68 women and 26 children, is unknown.

For the first time, the Khojaly genocide was given a legal and political assessment on the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. As a result of the successful continuation of this policy, “Justice for Khojaly!” within the framework of the international campaign, the Khojaly tragedy, one of the most terrible crimes of the XX century, was recognized as an act of genocide in the world and the revenge of the victims of the Khojaly genocide was taken on the battlefield by the brave Azerbaijan Army.

It was mentioned that, the 30th anniversary of Khojaly genocide is commemorated as the day of Revenge of Khojaly.

At the event, students of the Educational Complex 132-134 revived scenes dedicated to Khojaly genocide, recited poems and performed literary and artistic compositions in different languages.


Educational Complex 132-134 has succeeded in the final stage of the XI Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow”

The online closing ceremony of the XI Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow” took place on February 24. The speakers congratulated the winners and wished them success.

Students of the Educational Complex 132-134 – Alizade Javidan Vusal (the 11th grade student, “XI C”) and Ahmadova Sabina Khudaverdi (the 10th grade student, “X B”) were awarded the 3rd place in the “Medical and Health” category with the project “Body’s lipids metabolism correction using natural compounds”.

Dear Javidan and Sabina, also their mentors! Congratulations on this big achievement and all of the hard work that went in to these project and presentations!

Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow” is held within the framework of ISEF – International Science and Engineering Exhibition. The purpose of the competition is to involve students in grades IX-XI of general education institutions in our country in scientific research, stimulate their scientific and creative activities, identify talented students who are interested in scientific research, as well as to send students with high research results to Intel ISEF – International Science and Engineering Fair in the United States. Evaluation in the competition is carried out in 8 categories (mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine and health, ecology and environmental management, engineering, computer science).


Excursion to philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev monument was organized

Excursion for the students of Educational Complex 132-134 was organized to philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev monument, raised in a square in front of the Icharishahar metro station.

During excursion, Ms. Samadova Tunzale, the History teacher of the Complex, delivered a lecture on life and work of prominent Azerbaijani industrial magnate and philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev.

Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev was one of the most famous and respected oil magnates not only in Azerbaijan, but also in Russia and all Muslim world. First of all he was known as a Maecenas. Here is one significant fact: Muslim, Russian, Armenian and Jewish charity societies of Baku elected him the honorary chairman.

Throughout Azerbaijan history, there were industrialists much richer than Taghiyev, but no one is comparable with him by the scale of his charity and philanthropy. He made tremendous contributions to development and enlightenment of Azerbaijan and its nations.


Bloody January tragedy is a heroic page of our history

On January 19, an event of commemoration, dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the 20th January tragedy, took place at the Educational Complex 132-134.

The cherished memory of the victims of the bloody January tragedy was commemorated with honor. Staff members and students have paid tribute to the Martyr Larisa Mammadova, the 7th grade student of secondary school No. 134 in 1990, as well as all Martyrs of January 20, who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of Azerbaijan.

The tragedy of January 20, committed as a result of the inhumane and treacherous policy of the USSR leadership against the Azerbaijani people, is engraved in the memory of our people as the night of Black January. It is also a date that demonstrates the struggle, inflexibility and pride of our people, who strive for their freedom and independence.